Respect. Experience. Trust.
To The Friends and Family of Pit Stop Fleet:
It seems like just yesterday that Pit Stop was a dream and a prayer. It quickly moved from that prayer into a reality. That reality has turned into 3 retail locations and 1 wholesale operation that provides for more than 40 families. It’s almost too much for me to grasp.
If you read our mission statement or could search the hearts of my wife and I, you would know that prosperity is important to Pit Stop, but it is far from it’s first or only goal. A favorite verse here at Pit Stop that everyone should be able to unite behind is James 1:27, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: To look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
It is our belief that in order to be successful several things must happen: Remember Pit Stop belongs to God as well as the glory. Pit Stop should apply James 1:27 to itself as a business. Customers must be treated fairly and honestly. What would you do if it were your car? Employees should have a fun and financially rewarding place to work. We encourage success at home as much or more than at work. Vendors should be treated with respect and traded with honestly. We will be leaders, not followers in our industry.
I believe that if we strive to accomplish the 5 goals listed above, then prosperity will come to Pit Stop automatically.
We are closing in our second decade in business. It would be inaccurate to say I alone have accomplished this as president of the company. Without question God has either carried me or allowed me to be at His side as I have tried my best to steward His company. My wife and children have sacrificed more than any family should have, yet they still love me and have supported me in some of the darkest hours over the last decade, and there were a few.
The team: Too many to name them all! You are all very special and will always hold a special place in the family album at Pit Stop.
Since our first day of business in October of 1997, I have seen countless lives touched through our staff, customers, vendors, and this company. So many children and single parents encouraged and helped in one way or another because we have customers which enable us to help. We have shared tears with customers, employees, vendors, and strangers. You might think this checkerboard place is a sometimes for profit, non-denominational outreach.
I have seen Pit Stop soccer balls given away to local soccer teams as well as in the Dominican Republic, Peru, Argentina, and remote villages of the Serengeti in Africa. I have seen our customers send their once babies off to college. This all happens because we have great customers and employees, or there would be no Pit Stop. I guess I find myself and Pit Stop and possibly our customers growing old together. I have been blessed enough to be there for the birth of so many babies, employees, and customers/friends that I couldn’t even begin to count.
I could go on and on, but I feel moved to tell you how honored I am to be a part of your life. As customers, I count it a privilege to be considered your shop and your mechanic and to be your friend. As employees, know I feel a great responsibility towards seeing you are successful both at home and at work. As vendors, I pray for your success and our partnership regularly. Finally, to our customers, employees, and vendors: Thank you for helping Pit Stop be successful. I personally know without all of you in the formula, it does not work and I fail and so does my dream.
Thank You & May God Bless You,
Ronald J. Perry, President
Pit Stop Auto Repair Shops, Inc.
Pit Stop Fleet Service, Inc.
*Pit Stop Fleet Service started as a part of Pit Stop Auto Repair Shops, Inc. in 2005. We have, recently, sold our retail business & operate under the name Pit Stop Fleet Service. We currently operate in 8 states. We have been invited to help our customers outside of these areas for some special projects & have been all the way to Wyoming.
We still operate with the same values & consider our employees, customers and Vendors apart of our family. May God continue to watch over us & bless each one of you.